
The official language in Manchester, UK is English. All place name's and signage in Manchester, England are in English. If you visit any of the other countries in the UK (Wales, Scotland and Irland), you might find place name's and signage in English and their native Gaelic dialect (Welsh, Scottish and Irish).


Manchester has a changeable climate.
Average Yearly low 6.33c (43.40)
Average Yearly High 13.13c (56.63)

Shops and Opening Times

Most shops are open in Manchester from 9am until 8pm, Monday to Saturday. In the city centre some shops open until 5pm on Sunday. The large shopping centres located out of the city centres are normally open from 10am until 10pm, Monday to Saturday and 12noon until 6pm on Sunday.


England's country call code is '44', Manchester's landlines start with a '161' area code.

If you are in the UK you would call Manchester by dialing '0161' if you where out of the UK a Manchester number would start '0044 161'

Emergency Services

In case of an emergency please call 999 (free call) from any phone. You can also call 112 for non-life threatening call's to report crimes. If you are unwell, or a member of your party is unwell, you can call 111 to speak to someone in the 'NHS direct' team, who can provide medical advice over the phone.


The currency for the Manchester and England is Great British Pound (GBP,£) Sterling. Banks, travel agents, bureau de change kiosks, some hotels in the city and post office can all change travellers'cheques and foreign currency.

Credit Cards are accepted in Manchester, England in most retailers, bars and restaurants. Also the city has many Cash Machines (ATMs) dotted around.


There is no set rule about tipping in Manchester or the UK. If you are happy with the service you have received it is customary to tip between 10 -15%, especially in restaurants or cafés that provide table service. Tipping in bars is not expected, Taxi fares are normally rounded up to the nearest pound.


Smoking is banned in all public places including all enclosed or partly enclosed public places. Smoking is not allowed on any public transport or taxi cabs.


The voltage used in Manchester, England is 240v AC, 50Hz. The UK plugs are 3 square pins and differ to the rest of Europe's 2 round pins. Adapters are readily available for large supermarkets and smaller electrical shops.

Time Zone

Manchester, England time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in the winter months and British Summer Time (BST) in the summer months. GMT ends and BST starts on the last Sunday of March. BST ends and GMT starts on the last Sunday of October.


The UK drives on the left-hand side of the road. Provided your full licence or international driving permit remains valid, you may drive vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes and with up to eight passenger seats. You will be able to drive for up to 12 months from the date of coming to GB. However, you may only drive large vehicles which have been registered outside GB and which you have driven into the country.


No vaccinations are required prior to visiting Manchester, England


All purchases in Manchester, England (with the exception of food and books), are subject to VAT. Currently set at 20% this should always be included in prices displayed in shops.

Internet Access

There are numerous cafés around Manchester that offer access to the internet, as well as most accommodation providers.